Principal's Welcome
At Grace Girls Academy, we believe that education is not just about academics, but also about character development. We strive to create an environment that fosters compassion, courage, and responsibility in our students. We are committed to providing a Christ-centered learning evnvironment where students can thrive academically, socially, and spiritually.
Ms. Kathleen
Principal and Head Teacher
Our Mission
Our mission at Grace Girls Academy is to provide a Christ-centered education that equips students with the knowledge, skills and values they need to become leaders in their communities. We believe that every student is a unique creation of God, and we strive to help each student reach their full potential by providing a strong academic program and a supportive nurturing environment.

About Ms. Kathleen
I ended up raising all five of my daughters alone after my divorce when my youngest was six. I attended the community college in Payson and graduated with my Associates degree. My daughter wanted so desperately to be homeschooled. I wanted to do everything correctly, so I went to the Arizona Department of Education in Phoenix and requested the licensing needed to homeschool my daughters.
They told me to take the Arizona teacher's exam. I took the exam and passed. Once I had my teaching license, I started homeschooling my daughter who was struggling in the public school.
The middle school had placed her in the learning disabilities classes for special-ed students, because she was having a hard time staying ahead in all her classes.
She was a really good student with a passion for learning, so I homeschooled her during the summer. When she started back at the public school, they were greatly impressed by her improvements. She was taken out of special ed classes and placed in honors classes in the high school.
The director of the special ed programs said that my daughter was the first student he had seen in forty years advance to being back in a regular classroom setting. And was more impressed that she moved her way up to the honors classes.
It is so exciting to watch children's faces light up with excitement as they learn new skills, move up to higher levels in their education, and reach new goals. It is an honor to inspire, to teach, to encourage, to uplift, and to challenge my students to reach new educational heights.
I let my students learn at their own pace and move up to higher levels in their education. If a first grader is showing they are ready for third grade math, then I will encourage those skills and give them everything they need to succeed. If a second grader is reading at a fourth grade level, then I will keep encouraging them to challenge themselves and work their way up.
A student should have every opportunity to better themselves and reach new heights. I give them the opportunity to learn, grow, and advance.

Vision & Values
At Grace Girls Academy we believe that every child deserves to have a proper education without being manipulated, brainwashed, bullied, falsely accused, belittled, mistreated, or shamed publicly.
We teach morality, values, respect, patience, kindness, loving one another, being helpful and considerate, following instructions, listening politely, having our speech filled with grace, and seeking to know God more every day.
We teach students how to respect authority, live in a way that is pleasing to God, and how to be an example of God's love to others. We teach that hard work builds strong character. We teach self-control is important in our words, actions, and attitude. We teach that is important to always be thankful and grateful towards others.
We inspire our students to learn, to have a hunger for knowledge, to be artistic and creative, to aspire to go beyond their own expectations, and to challenge themselves to reach higher educational goals.